Our daily schedule at Vida Libre

A structured daily routine is an elementary part of the Vida Libre concept. However, you will, of course, have enough time for our optional activities and to simply relax by the pool or to take time for yourself.

Daily schedule from Monday to Saturday

  • 9.00 am Yoga
  • 9.30 am Breakfast
  • 10.30 am Coachings
  • 1.00 – 3.00 pm Lunch break and time for massages
  • 3.00 pm Sports or Yoga
  • 7.00 pm dinner


After breakfast at 9.30 am you have the rest of the day off to enjoy the Mediterranean sorroundings until dinner at 7pm.

Weekly appointments

  • Massage
  • Sports
  • Yoga
  • Ground work with horses ( 1x during your stay)

Optional activities

  • Creative design/painting
  • Sightseeing
  • Horse back riding
  • Sailing
  • Golf
  • Hiking
  • Philosophical evening

Pferdebegegnungen als Begleitung zur Alkoholtherapie
Massage als therapeutische Maßnahme beim Alkoholentzug

Further contributions at

Help with alcohol problems

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The Vida Libre concept

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Mediterranean environment

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Topics: Daily schedule, timetable, daily programme for alcohol withdrawal