Alkoholentwöhnung und alkoholfrei leben lernen: Wir begleiten und betreuen Sie professionell und individuell, und wir haben den Anspruch, dass Sie sich von Anfang an wohl fühlen können.
Dank unserer Ausbildungen und unseres Engagements können wir Ihnen ein ganzheitliches Programm anbieten, bei dem Körper, Geist und Seele gleichermaßen behandelt werden.
Ein wichtiger Teil des Vida Libre Konzepts ist das intensive Einzelcoaching (6 Tage pro Woche).
Anders als fast alle anderen Einrichtungen setzen wir auf Einzelarbeit statt auf Gruppe – dennoch unterstützen wir ein gutes und offenes Miteinander der Gäste, soweit dies möglich und gewünscht wird.
Es ist für uns außerdem wichtig, dass Sie uns nicht nur in bestimmten Zeiteinheiten (z.B. Dauer des Coachings) erleben, sondern darüber hinaus mit uns noch gemeinsame Zeit verbringen – mit allen Rückzugsmöglichkeiten, die Sie für sich brauchen.
Vida Libre ist seit 2007 eine ungewöhnliche und individuelle Alternative zu den großen bekannten Einrichtungen im deutschsprachigen Raum.
Our main fields of activity:
- Alcohol withdrawal and learning how to live a life free of alcohol
- Overcoming burnout and realising a healthy work-life balance
- Coping with stress, finding calm and joie de vivre
- Developing strategies for the time after your stay with us
Our approach:
Our intensive psychological counselling will help you find a new attitude towards dealing with yourself, your environment and the challenges you face, whatever they may be.
After an extensive medical examination and consultation, we will draw up a tailor-made exercise and fitness plan for you.
Outpatient alcohol detoxification is also possible with us. To find out more please visit our page on „outpatient alcohol detoxification“.
We pay particular attention to a healthy diet, rich in vitamins. Yoga, massage therapy and an ancient Japanese energy technique will help you to centre yourself, embrace feelings of emptiness and restore your life energy. Creative work and therapeutic work with horses can improve self-awareness and awareness of others – and simply bring joy.
You will be able to go back to consciously experiencing quiet time: In this age marked by pointless activity it is particularly important to discover and be able to experience moments of calm and contemplation.
You will also enjoy a restful sleep in the calm, natural environment of rural Majorca.
And although we take our work seriously and carry it out thoroughly, we also strongly believe in humor and a bit of fun!
The duration of your stay at Vida Libre:
A stay of 2 – 3 weeks is recommended to establish new habits and thinking patterns. For alcohol withdrawal and overcoming burnout the minimum duration of an initial stay is 10 days followed by a timely update.
In our experience it is very beneficial for our guests to return to us for a week after a certain period of time (which has to be determined on a case-by-case basis) in order to review new behavioural patterns and to gain further life-changing insights. Some guests go even further and treat themselves to a week of regeneration at Vida Libre every year – which has shown great results!
Thanks to our special aftercare offer, you will always be in good hands over a long period of time.
Staying at Vida Libre is alcohol free for all guests. Even those who have no problem with handling alcohol in their everyday life will enjoy this alcohol-free time.
Smoking is only permitted outside.
Further contributions at
Outpatient alcohol detoxification
In liaison with you and with your GP if you wish, it is possible to undergo an outpatient detoxification programme with medical and psychological assistance at Vida Libre.
Individual coaching
Your body signals help you to find solutions for the personal challenges you are facing. Our approach is generally resource-oriented and based on your abilities and experience of life.
Your stay at the Finca
Treat yourself to some time off and enjoy the peace and serenty at our cozy Finca in rural Majorca. The spacious house is nicely furnished and offers ample opportunities to…